And the day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. Anais Nin


Is It Time For A Change?

Several people have asked recently how a Life and Career Coach can assist their writing and art projects. I've been having individual conversations and decided to post the key points for all who are interested.

My coaching relationships are personal and specific. I work from a 'strength' based approach - in other words, where would you like to be in your life, right now - and what resources (internal, external) do you already have and which do you need? We look at the practical while recognizing the emotions attached.

I believe in integration of work, daily life, relationships, etc. I think we slip into compartments to ease the demands of our busy lives. Yet, some of these compartments feel restrictive and unsatisfying. Most clients seek relief from chaos. I think the practice of integration can get them there.

It starts with an honest evaluation of your lifestyle. What is working for you? What is burdensome? What are you willing to change - what is fixed in stone? Start there, at least you will determine what's driving the chaos and what's creating peace.

To continue the conversation contact me at

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