And the day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. Anais Nin


What Is This Blog About?

Life In The Moment is a collection of poetry, prose, thoughts, and ideas designed to keep us connected to the present. I find it helpful to remain engaged in what's going on today, in the moments as they unfold.

I think it's important to be aware of the past and its impact on the choices we make. But also important is the knowledge that the future is beyond our basic control. Things happen, sometimes randomly. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't plan or set goals, but not to the extent that we are over planning everything and not experiencing these moments.

Slow down, look around, take a few minutes to enjoy the nuances of being alive, being connected to the living, and experiencing all that is available to your senses.


Life In The Moment will bring you poems, prose, observations, and announcements of daily life - sometimes rich with joy, sometimes grim reality - hopefully thought provoking and daring to get you thinking about yourself, your relationships and your connections in this vast world we share.

Check in now and then - there just might be something you find useful.


realization, a long time coming
By Toni

the Coen Brothers new film
Burn After Reading
stole the title from
the foes of DH Lawrence
who cringe at raw
language since they forgot
about the First Amendment
Carlin had eight words
liberals have hundreds
poets have thousands
no speech is free
you learn this in the first grade

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